
Shakespeare の”Merchant of Venice”より Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, offections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, sujbect to the same diseases, heal'd by the same means,…

After Japan’s defeat in World War Ⅱ, Soviet Russia confiscated major documents of Kanto-Gun or Kwantung Army and brought them all to Moscow. According to the documents, Kanto-Gun implored Soviet Russia to take advantage of the Japanese res…


The international community is in an anarchial state. There are neither sheriffs nor authorities over nations. Russian invasion of Ukraine shows that United Nations Security Council is of no use, simply because Russia is one of the permane…

Russia invaded and annexed the Cremean Peninsula in 2014. It was anti-government demonstration occurred in 2013 that triggered Russia's military action two years ago. That demonstration, however, overthrew pro-Russian administration and le…

The tragidy occurred in Bucha reminded us of Katyn massacare during Wold War Ⅱ. According to the military allience between Hitler and Stalin on August 23 1939, Stalin's Red Army attacked Poland. About 4,300 polish officiers were shot to de…

When the Imperial Japanese Army occupied Nanking in 1938, the Japanese were so excited that they held the lantern parade. People hoped that China would surrender to Japan and the war would end. However, Chinese government moved their capit…

The U,S, Forces gave Japan two weeks' grace to set food on Japanese mainland after Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration. During these two weeks, some government officers had burnt a lot of documents, and some had privatized war materials…

Japan's history tells us that it is easy to start a war, but it is difficult to stop the war. The war with China occurred in 1931 and by the Emperor’s Gyokuon-hoso radio broadcast announcing Japan’s surrender, it ended in 1945 --it is call…

109 years ago, they said the war would end in a month, but the first world war last four years and three months. Japan used to say Sino-Japanese War would end after the fall of Nanking. But the war continued throughout China up until 1945/…

War is cruel. That is why dictators take advantage of literary works in order to cover up its cruelty. Soviet Russia banished Solzhenitsyn, Novel Prize winner in Literature, and now Russia seems to be ostracizing Tolstoy's works just like …