The U,S, Forces gave Japan two weeks' grace to set food on Japanese mainland after Japan  accepted the Potsdam  Declaration. During these two weeks, some government officers had burnt a lot of documents, and some had privatized war materials. However, no looting was said to have taken place. People say that they  were deeply impressed to see the train coming into the station as usual. It seemed to be telling that peaceful daily life disrupted by the war would come back again. It is amazing!  Common people had restored their vitality not from pedantic speeches about democracy but  the real trains moving just as they did yesterday. The government has promised so called "children first" policy., but we should remember during the World War Two the Imperial Forces tried to organize elementary school kids to fight with "the enemies " which has introduced democracy. Don't take advantage of children! Don't manipulate persons! 

Japan's history tells us that it is easy to start a war, but it is difficult to stop the war. The war with China occurred in 1931 and by the Emperor’s Gyokuon-hoso radio broadcast announcing Japan’s surrender, it ended in 1945 --it is called 15 years' war. It goes without saying that Japan knows well about how difficult to end the war. Therefore,it would be Japan's duty to give some pieces of highly suggestive advice to the world simply because Japan went through unbearable sufferings caused by the war and put up with them for fifteen years.

War is cruel. That is why dictators take advantage of literary works in order to cover up its cruelty. Soviet Russia banished Solzhenitsyn, Novel Prize winner in Literature, and now Russia seems to be ostracizing Tolstoy's works just like Nazi did almost a century ago, simply because they are telling us war is inhuman, cruel, and meaningless. 

  Cannon balls can destroy buildings, public facilities, hospitals, schools, etc, but they cannot destroy and ravage human dignity and humanity. Dictators should realize it! 

He proposed Ukraine a Christmas ceasefire. He tried to take advantage of religion this time. Jesus was neither a strong man like him, nor a cold revolutionist, but a person who died miserable for humans. That was why the Soviet Union had not needed the Christian religion before its corruption. If Lenin, leader of the Rossian Revolution, had been a miserable man like Jesus, how could he have founded the Bolsheviks? If Starlin had been a Good Samaritan, he could not have starved millions of people to death. Jesus tells us to love each other. He has never said "Fight again as soon as the celebration of my birthday is over." 



We have to wear masks, wash hands, gargle throats, etc, to prevent pandemic. We have been very concious about the death toll since coronavirus started to spread, but people on the battlefields have been experiencing deaths right in front of them.  It is not a disease. 


Most soldiers would be a good father, a good husband, a good son, a good family member in your mother country. Will they, however, send exactly the same life as they used to do for the rest of their life if they murder persons, who could be a good father, a good wife, a good husband, a good son, a good daughter, an adorable grandchild, a good grandfather, a good grandmother, a good great-grandmother, a good great -grandfather, an irreplaceable family member in their home country?

ウクライナ侵攻(Ukraine invasion)に関するBBCの記事から

Russians close in on Kyiv but meet strong resistance.Russian assaults on the Ukrainian capital Kyiv have been met with fierce resistance, as the Ukrainian military says it fought off several attacks.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said: "We won't lay down our arms. We will defend our state."


I think the gag order would be imposed sooner or later in Moscow. Over the past few years, many serious issues that violate and ignore the human rights have occurred all over the world such as China, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Russia, America, Japan etc.  Above all, War forces people to ignore human rights, which means to kill people,


We should remember these well-known sayings again:

Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

God bless Ukraine!

May peace come to Ukraine right now! 

Cease fire right away!  

Stop cracking down on anti-war demonstration!

Discard chemical and biological weapons! 

No atrocities! No brutalities! 

Don't cover up the fact of outrageous crimes! 

Please save the people who have been confined in the basement! 

Therre is no point in stirring up anti-western feelings.

Bad excuses are worse than none. 

The news of horrible disaster in Маріуполь drove me to despair. 

Mercenary soldiers should not be excecuted. They are fighting for peace, not for money!

Wars, conflict - it's all business. One murder makes a villain; millions a hero. Numbers sanctify.

The most we can do for Ukurainians is simply to be their friends.

The best government is that which governs least.   

Do we need authority for running a country?  

Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obdient must be slaves.

Men have become the tools of their too

Goodness is the only investment that never fails.

We must maintain a little bit of summer, even in the middle of winter. 

History teaches us the tragic end of puppet states. Stop the idea of Anachronism.

The Russian leaders should take this phrase to heart: putting yourself in someone else's shoes. Simply put, empahty. 

Russian leaders, you, as a human being,  have to  look at yourselves with objective eye.

There are no facts, only interpretations. (Nietzsche). 「事実というものは存在しない。存在するのは解釈だけだ、とニーチェは言っていますが、ウクライナでの事実はあきらかではないですか」