ウクライナ侵攻(Ukraine invasion)に関するBBCの記事から

Russians close in on Kyiv but meet strong resistance.Russian assaults on the Ukrainian capital Kyiv have been met with fierce resistance, as the Ukrainian military says it fought off several attacks.


The military said in a Facebook post early on Saturday that an army unit managed to repel Russian forces near its base on a major city street.

In a new video, President Volodymyr Zelensky said: "We won't lay down our arms. We will defend our state."

Meanwhile, fighting continues near several other Ukrainian cities.


Shock, horror and bewilderment - three words that could describe the mood of many in the capital Moscow and the southern city of Rostov on Thursday. But there is division over whether President Putin's actions are to be condemned or applauded,  


I think the gag order would be imposed sooner or later in Moscow. Over the past few years, many serious issues that violate and ignore the human rights have occurred all over the world such as China, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Russia, America, Japan etc.  War forces people to ignore human rights, which means to kill people,


We should remember these well-known sayings again:

Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.